A virtual gear in pursuing the public health and implications has paralyzed our system of assessment. The exponential rise in chronic diseases, emerging pandemics, aging, and towering health care tariffs has left the world susceptible to numerous frailties. It has shifted our focus. In this hassle and poor health monitoring system, we, unfortunately, are unaware
that minor nutrients play a vital role in the coordination of the human body.
Trace elements like Zinc, Magnesium, Iron in our diet play a vigorous role in proper functioning and musculoskeletal integrity. Therefore, the assessment of these elements in the normal range is mandatory for well-being.
An important micronutrient, zinc is not produced by the human body. Daily dietary supplementation is necessary to fulfill the demand for zinc in the body.
What is Zinc?
Zinc is an important micronutrient. It is present as a trace element in the human body ranging from 1.6 to 3.0g approximately 2.0g. In other terms, it has an amount of 30mmol that is 0.0005% of the total body weight. From the WHO records it’s accounted that over 2 billion population in the developing countries has been affected by zinc deficiency.
Recommended Daily Allowance: RDA of zinc for an adult woman is 8mg/day and for an adult, man is 11mg/day.
How Zinc Is an Important Nutrient
By considering the fact that zinc is an intracellular element the total 2g of zinc is 60% taken up by the skeletal muscles and the rest of the 40% is found in the bones. As a molecule, it is involved in various enzymatic processes, oxidation reactions, gene expression, signaling, and nerve modulation.
The best natural sources of zinc in our daily diet include whole grains, dairy products, red meat, oysters, green leafy vegetables, firm tofu, shellfish, hemp seeds, pumpkin seeds, lentils, mushrooms, and among nuts almonds and cashews are fortified with zinc.
Zinc Health Benefits to the Human Body
Zinc has great importance to our overall health. Let’s discuss some health benefits of zinc and how beneficial it is for the functioning and coordination of our overall body system.
Enzymatic Activity
Zinc has an integral role in the structural development of over more than 300 enzymes functioning in the human body. It is considered as a moiety in the enzymatic configuration. These enzymes are responsible for carrying out protein metabolism, skeletal maturation, bone mineralization, red blood cell integrity, carbon dioxide’s interconversion, and the maintenance of the acid-base balance of the human body.
It is credible, for the activity of the human body’s normal buffer system and carrying out the proper digestion of the body’s secretory proteins.
Inflammation and Immunity
It strengthens the immune system by combating pathogens including viruses and bacteria etc. It is responsible for disrupting the protein configurations in these microbes.
Zinc being an integral part of many enzymes plays a role in the destruction of proteinaceous structures of these microorganisms by carrying out an enzymatic activity of DNA and RNA lysis. Preventing the replication of these pathogens and decreasing their virulence in the human body.
In inflammation, zinc plays an effective role in the production of cell-mediated immunity by activating the T cells in the first line of the defense mechanism of the human body.
Zinc has shown a protective function of cellular events in limiting the production of ROS (reactive oxygen species) or in other words, by reducing oxidative stress.
Prevention of excessive generation of ROS limits the DNA damage thus, preventing events such as cell cycle arrest and apoptosis (lysis of cells).
Wound Healing
For the speedy recovery of the wounds in terms of healing, zinc plays a vigorous role. It supports collagen synthesis and hence maintaining the structural integrity of dermal tissues.
Blood Glucose Levels
It has been reported that zinc supplementation is very helpful in patients with Type-1 and Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus. Zinc boosts the secretion of insulin and helps in maintaining normal blood glucose levels.
Zinc helps in lowering the higher blood cholesterol levels, lowers LDL, and reduces the overproduction of triglycerides.
It has a vital role in male reproductive health, by increasing the sperm count. It intensifies the testosterone output by converting cholesterol, into sex hormones. Studies have reported it enhances sperm motility and morphology.
Maintenance of Vitamin A levels
Zinc has shown a remarkable function in increasing the absorption of vitamin A, therefore, prevents night blindness. A higher concentration of zinc is documented in retinal tissues. Along with vitamin A, it has an important part in treating acne by converting vitamin A to its active forms i-e retinol-A. This reduces the risk of active acne and prevents clogging of the pores to reside bacteria in them.
Mood and Cognition
It stops the overstimulation of nerves and keeps the brain and associated nerves in a healthy equilibrium. By increasing the serotonin levels it provokes a sense of tranquility and accomplishment.
Taste Sensations
Gustin, zinc-containing protein is responsible for the development of taste buds and loss of taste sensation. Hypogeusia has been reported in the deficiency of zinc.
Nail and Hair health
The secret ingredient for improving the hair and nail health naturally is zinc in the diet. The hair follicle building proteins have zinc in them and that promotes the strengthening and the structural integrity of hair follicle. It prevents hair thinning and shedding.
Final Thoughts
Considering facts regarding the health benefits of the zinc and peeping into minor details how it is carrying out the coordination in the human body. It is essential to add a potent nutrient like zinc for promising health outcomes in longer terms.