4 Common Mistakes When Making Fresh Juice

4 Common Mistakes When Making Fresh Juice

Whether you make fresh juice at your business or home, using the right methods is the key to creating tasty and healthy drinks. In contrast, the wrong juicing methods can work against your health and fitness goals. Read on to learn how to avoid the four common mistakes people make when making fresh juice.

1. Drinking the Same Juice Over and Over Again

If you love drinking fresh juice, you probably have a favorite recipe or two. You know you like the flavor and the health benefits, which makes reaching for the same drinks more comfortable. But drinking a variety of juices can benefit you in many ways.

For one, juicing different healthy ingredients can help you maintain a beneficial nutrient mix in your diet. For another, mixing up your drink selection can introduce you to new flavor combinations you’ll love.

You can combine familiar ingredients to create a new drink or try ingredients you’re less familiar with. For example, sugarcane juice is a popular drink around the world that’s not as common in the US. Try sugarcane juice with jujube like the people in Myanmar, or drink sugarcane juice with lemon like the people in Egypt.

2. Juicing Only Fruit

Not including vegetables in your drink is another common mistake to avoid when making fresh juice. Juice is an easy way to obtain many nutrients, and it can be one of the best ways to help you consume the recommended two to three cups of vegetables a day for your health. Replacing some of the fruit content of your juice with vegetables can also help you cut down on sugar.

Some of the best vegetables to juice include kale, carrots, spinach, beets, and celery. When possible, try incorporating organic vegetables into your juice. Organic foods have many benefits, including supporting your immune system.

3. Waiting To Clean the Equipment

Whether you’re using a heavy-duty appliance or simple equipment, don’t develop a habit of waiting to clean it. Cleaning is a key part of everyday maintenance, and putting off cleaning can lead to sanitation issues and bad flavors in your juice.

Follow your manufacturer’s instructions to safely disassemble and clean your juicing machine. Pulp and other particles can cause bacterial growth. The longer you leave these particles on the equipment, the harder it is to clean. When you clean up right after juicing, you make it a simple part of your routine.

4. Not Using the Pulp

Drinking pulp is a matter of personal preference. But the pulp contains much of the fiber fresh fruits and vegetables contain—up to half the nutrients of the original produce. Dietary fiber helps to regulate your digestive system, and the nutrients in the pulp can support many essential functions, such as cardiovascular health.

If you decide not to drink the pulp or have an excessive amount, don’t throw it away. Instead, save the pulp in an airtight container in your freezer. Blend the pulp into thicker smoothies or add it to savory stews and broths.

Remedies guru is a health and fitness blog that provides valuable information on home remedies and natural cures for common illnesses. Our goal with this blog is to educate readers how some herbs, fruits and vegetables, if eaten properly can be helpful in maintaining their overall health and also prevents them from illness and seasonal allergies . Some diseases and illnesses require medical treatment which is very important.